Thursday, November 19, 2009

One Manga Downloader

This software is write on Java language so to run it you must have the JRE [Java Runtime Environment]
To download newest JRE you can go here

You can get the update of this software at
Contact me at YIM: ngoctuanphan82 or

Enjoy your manga :D

History :

-19-5-09 : release 1.0
-21-5-09 : +fix a bug at multi download - thank to akatobe [nihonomaru]
+add packing tool for pack all chapter downloaded in a folder
-25-5-09 : release 1.0.3
+fix bug chapter0 - thank to beluclac86
+add make idm batch function - post [img] to forum
-02-6-09 : release 1.0.4
+fix some small bugs
+make colored at the manga list
+upgrade the search manga function
many thank to for the valueable comments
-18-06-09: release 1.0.5
+fix a bug made the program to idle at multi download chapter setting

Download Link : Rapidshare

filenya cuman 44kb tapi bisa download banyak manga dari onemanga.
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