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Thursday, August 25, 2016

Pemandangan Dari Atas Tebing Keraton Bandung -

Bandung, atau kota yang biasa disebut sebagai Kota Kembang emang ga bakal ada habisnya kalo kita kaitin dengan wisata, mau itu wisata kuliner, fashion, alam ataupun wisata lainnya. Ada banyaaaak objek wisata di kota ini yang bisa kita datengin untuk ngisi liburan ataupun sekedar refreshing doang. Ga cuman wisata mainstream yang emang udah tenar dari dulu, tapi di kota ini juga banyak bermunculan objek wisata baru yang ga kalah seru buat dijelajahin. Kali ini kita bakal sedikit ngulas tentang objek wisata yang kebilang cukup baru, tempat yang berada di kawasan Dago ini punya pemandangan dan suasana yang sejuk banget. Tempat ini juga sempet booming di tahun 2014 lalu, yap tempat wisata ini bernama Tebing Karaton atau yang orang-orang kenal dengan Tebing Keraton. Dari atas tebing ini kita bisa ngeliat luasnya hamparan pohon di Taman Hutan Raya Ir. H. Djuanda dan pemandangan ini nih yang ngebuat tebing ini jadi tenar. Selain itu tempat ini juga punya beberapa spot yang bagus untuk dijadiin tempat buat foto-foto, jadilah tempat ini makin wajib buat di kunjungin.

Pemandangan hamparan hutan dari pinggir tebing

Akses Menuju Tebing Keraton

Tebing Keraton ini berada di kawasan Bandung bagian utara, kurang lebih di daerah dago ke atas dikit laaah. Buat sampe kesini kita bakalan ngelewatin beberapa tempat wisata yang cukup terkenal kaya Dago Pakar dan juga Warban (warung bandrek). Naah dari warban ini nih tebing keraton udah ga begitu jauh lagi, kita tinggal ngikutin jalan ke arah atas kurang lebih 15 menitan (pake motor) buat sampe kesini. Kalo takut nyasar kalian juga bisa buka maps atau tinggal nanya aja sama warga sekitar yang kalian temuin di jalan, pasti mereka ngasih tau arah yang benernya ko.
Kalo kalian kesini pake mobil, di deket warban kalian bakal diberhentiin sama orang disana, soalnya mobil ga dibolehin buat naik lebih atas lagi (berdasar pengalaman temen, tapi gatau juga sih kalo sekarang bisa). Nah dari situ kita bakal ditawarin naik ojek buat sampe keatas, tapi harga yang ditawarin lumayan mahal juga sih, sekitaran 50rb per ojeknya (dari warban). Daripada harus ngeluarin uang lebih banyak lagi, jadi enaknya mending kita bawa motor aja kalo mau kesana. Untuk kalian yang ga bawa kendaraan pribadi, selepas jalan dago udah gaada angkutan umum yang menuju ke arah sana selain ojek dan kalo jalan pun jaraknya lumayan jauh.

Jalan di tebing keraton udah dipakein Paving Block coy!
Keadaan jalan buat sampe ke atas udah lumayan bagus, cuman begitu mau sampe ke tebingnya aja sih jalannya jadi rada jelek. Diperjalanan kita bakal ngelewatin kaya perumahan dulu di awal-awal, terus lanjut ngelewatin pepohonan yang bikin adem, ngelewatin warung-warung, lanjut lagi lewatin perkebunan, lewatin rumah warga desa sana dan barulah kita sampe ke tkp. Walaupun bukan jalan besar, di jalur ini juga udah lumayan rame sama lalu lalang orang yang lewat, apalagi di hari libur biasanya banyak tuh pesepeda yang naik kesini. Begitu mau sampe, kalo bawa motor kita bakal ditagih uang parkir sama penjaga disana, setelah itu barulah kita markirin motor dideket pintu masuk tebingnya atau bisa juga di deket warung punya warga sekitar.

Untuk artikel lebih lengkapnya kunjungi atau untuk baca cerita ataupun Catatan Perjalanan ke tempat-tempat lainnya.

Sunday, August 14, 2016

Road Trip Menuju Pantai Sawarna di Banten

Setelah sekian lama engga pergi ngetrip, akhir tahun kemaren akhirnya kita bisa lanjutin perjalanan buat nyambung hidup lagi (cielah). Awalnya kita ngerencanain buat ngelakuin road trip ke ujung kulon dan bakal dilanjut buat nyebrang ke pulau peucang, tapi karena persiapannya masih kurang (terutama biaya) jadilah kita ngurungin niat buat pergi kesana. Setelah mikirin banyak pertimbangan, akhirnya kita mutusin buat nyusurin pantai selatan mulai dari bandung sampe akhirnya ke Pantai Sawarna di Banten, tepatnya di desa Bayah. Sebenernya setelah dari sana kita masih ngelanjutin perjalanan buat nyusurin pantai sampe akhirnya berhenti di Kota Serang (lewatin anyer, carita dan lain-lain), tapi untuk postingan kali ini kita bahas khusus tentang trip ke Sawarna aja oke!

Sampai Ketemu Lagi Bandung! (Cimahi juga)

Dari beberapa hari sebelum keberangkatan kita udah mulai nyusun rencana buat keberlangsungan trip ini, mulai dari berapa budget yang dibutuhin, jalur mana yang bakal dilewatin, logistik apa aja yang perlu dibawa dan hal-hal teknis lainnya. Sehari sebelum keberangkatan kita semua sepakat buat nginep dan juga packing ulang di rumah Kenza di daerah cimahi, dan besok subuhnya kita langsung caw dari sana biar ga telat. Dari Cimahi kita mulai berangkat jam 6 pagi, jalur yang rencananya kita ambil yaitu Cimahi-Padalarang-Cianjur-Sukabumi-Pelabuhan Ratu-Sawarna. Pas perjalanan di dalem Cimahi sih masih lancar-lancar aja, tapi begitu masuk ke daerah padalarang jalanan mulai jadi padat dan sedikit macet.
Setelah ngelewatin kemacetan di sepanjang jalan padalarang, kurang lebih jam 8 akhirnya kita masuk juga ke daerah Cianjur. Keadaan jalan disana lumayan lancar alias ga macet, beda kaya waktu di padalarang yang ternyata macet karenda ada jalan yang ambles. Jam 9 pas akhirnya kita sampe di Sukabumi, jalanan disini juga lumayan lancar jadi kita bisa maju mulusss tanpa hambatan. Karena cuman ngandelin google maps sebagai navigator, kita sempet nyasar ke jalanan sempit dan akhirnya mentok di jalan buntu. Gara-garanya sih kita pede maju terus ngikutin arahan gmaps, pas nanya sama warga sekitar barulah dikasihtau kalo kita salah jalan dan harus muter balik lagi. Gara-gara nyasar ini kita ngebuang waktu 30 menitan, tapi ga apa apalaaah biar nambah pengalaman gitu.
It feels good to be lost in the right direction.
Setelah balik ke jalan yang bener, kurang lebih jam 12 siang kita akhirnya sampe juga di Pantai Palabuhan Ratu. Sebenernya niat kita cuman mau ngelewat doang, tapi ternyata malah ditagih Rp 20.000 sama petugas disana walaupun cuman buat ngelewat doang, karena udah bayar kita sekalian aja berhenti cari mushola dulu buat shalat dan regangin badan. Setelah beres istirahat kita lanjutin perjalanan lagi dengan tetap mengandalkan gmaps. Jalan yang kita ambil lumayan muter, yang harusnya kita bisa lebih cepet sampe kalo ngelewatin jalan utama, kita malah lewatin sejenis pabrik dan hutan-hutan gitu dulu buat sampe tujuan. Kurang lebih jam set.3 barulah kita sampe ke kawasan Pantai Sawarna di bayah, tepatnya di area parkiran mobil karena untuk ke pantainya sendiri kita udah gabisa bawa kendaraan roda empat, kalo motor sih masih bisa dibawa sampe pinggir pantai.

Touchdown, Sawarna!

Begitu sampe di parkiran mobil kita langsung nge-unpack barang-barang bawaan yang perlu diabawa ke pantai. Barang bawaan kita lumayan banyak laah, kaya galon, tenda, alat masak, gitar, baju dan lain-lain. Walaupun tiap orang udah bawa barang bawaannya masing-masing, ternyata kita masih perlu balik lagi ke mobil buat bawa barang sisanya. Untuk bisa sampe ke pantai kita perlu jalan lagi kurang lebih 10 menit, nyebrang ngelewatin jembatan dan juga deretan kebon punya warga sekitar. Biaya yang perlu kita keluarin untuk masuk kesini yaitu Rp. 5,000 per orang untuk tiket masuk dan Rp. 25,000 per mobil untuk biaya parkir satu malem, kalo untuk kendaraan roda dua kita kurang tau karena ga nanyain juga sih hehe.

Untuk artikel lebih lengkapnya kunjungi atau untuk baca cerita ataupun Catatan Perjalanan ke tempat-tempat lainnya.

Thursday, February 19, 2015

Menjelajahi TAHURA Bandung

Perjalanan pertama dan Catatan Perjalanan pertama kita sebagai travel writer amatir (cie) dimulai dari Tahura atau Taman Hutan Raya Ir. H. Djuanda. Dari apa yang kita baca, tempat ini merupakan suatu kawasan konservasi hutan yang berada di daerah Dago Pakar, tepatnya di Bandung Utara. Kawasan ini terbentang mulai dari Curug Dago, Dago Pakar sampai Maribaya. Sebelumnya nama dari kawasan ini yaitu Taman Wisata Alam (TWA) Curug Dago, tapi pada tanggal 14 Januari 1985 (di hari dan bulan lahirnya Ir. H. Djuanda) secara resmi kawasan ini diubah menjadi Taman Hutan Raya Ir. H. Djuanda. Kawasan ini juga merupakan Taman Hutan Raya pertama yang berada di Indonesia.

Di hari keberangkatan (Rabu, 31 Desember 2014), kita yang jumlahnya 16 orang kumpul di terminal dago jam 6 pagi. Karena emang rencananya kita bakal jalan sampai tujuan (curug omas), biar lebih deket kita mutusin buat masuk lewat gerbang belakang. Jadi dari terminal dago kita jalan ke PLTA di daerah Bengkok dan dilanjut naik tangga seribu dari sana. Sebenarnya jumlah anak tangganya ga sampe seribu sih kalau dihitung, mungkin karena jumlahnya banyak makanya disebut tangga seribu. Pas sampai atas, kita tinggal lurus sampai nemuin plang yang nunjukin arah ke ticket booth gerbang belakang tahura. Harga tiket untuk wisatawan nusantara cukup murah, yaitu Rp.11,000,- /orang dan untuk wisatawan mancanegara yaitu Rp. 76,000,- /orang. Harga tersebut udah termasuk asuransi keselamatan (Rp.1,000,- /tiket).

Waktu baru masuk ke dalem kita bisa langsung ngeliat pepohonan tinggi yang ngejajar disana. Suasana di sana bener-bener sejuk, apalagi kalau datengnya pagi pas musim hujan. Sebenernya disana ga cuman hutan, tapi juga ada banyak objek lainnya yang bisa kita kunjungin contohnya Musium Hutan, Plaza Tahura, Forest Cafe, Goa Jepang dan Belanda, Penangkaran Rusa, Curug Omas dan yang terpenting buat masuk kesana kita ga perlu keluarin uang lagi, jadi bisa dibilang dengan tiket seharga Rp.11,000 itu kita bisa masuk ke banyak objek seru lainnya. Keadaan di Tahura sendiri waktu itu ga begitu ramai, mungkin gara-gara kita dateng pas di akhir tahun kali ya.

Sebelum ke Curug Omas jangan lupa buat masuk ke objek bersejarah kaya Goa Jepang dan Goa Belanda. Untuk masuk kesana bagusnya kita bawa senter sendiri sih, atau kalau di smartphonenya ada Flashlight bisa juga dimanfaatin. Buat yang ga bawa keduanya jangan khawatir, kita bisa sewa senter di depan Goa tersebut. Harga yang di tawarin biasanya Rp.6,000 buat satu senter, tapi kita bisa nego biar dapet harga yang lebih murah. Info yang kita dapetin disana, Goa Jepang dan Goa Belanda dulu digunain untuk tempat istirahat tentara Jepang/Belanda dan juga penjara untuk tawanan perang. Goa-goa tersebut juga pernah dijadiin tempat uji nyali ataupun wisata mistis beberapa waktu yang lalu.
Selain Goa Belanda ataupun Goa Jepang, masih banyak objek keren lainnya yang bisa kita datengin disana. Jarak dari masing-masing objek emang ga begitu jauh, jadi kita bisa 'nyikreuh' untuk ngeliat objek yang ada. Yang paling jauh yang bisa kita kunjungin disana yaitu Curug Omas. Yang kita ukur (pake aplikasi di android) jarak dari Goa Belanda ke Curug Omas yaitu 4,1Km. Emang jaraknya ga deket buat yang satu ini, tapi tenang aja soalnya di sepanjang perjalanan banyak disedian saung atau tempat duduk buat istirahat. Selain itu juga banyak warung ngejejer atau warga sekitar yang jualan makanan dan minuman disana. Sedikit tips biar jalan jauh ga kerasa, di perjalanan coba buat ngobrol, cerita ataupun becanda sama temen-temen seperjalanan. Yang saya rasain sendiri kemaren, perjalanan 4 kilo jadi engga kerasa kalo kita bener-bener nikmatin perjalanan tersebut.

Buat makanan sendiri yang dijual disana lumayan banyak, mulai dari makanan ringan kaya jagung bakar, gorengan, kue-kue tradisional sampai makanan berat kaya nasi goreng dan mie instan. Di sana juga ada yang jual minuman tradisional khas tanah Pasundan yang harus dicoba , yaitu Lahang. Lahang sendiri dibuat dari gula Aren dan rasanya tuh manis-manis asam, emang pas banget buat diminum kalo cuaca lagi panas dan keadaan tubuh yang cape. Harga untuk satu gelas lahang juga cukup murah, yaitu Rp.3,000. Untuk yang belum pernah coba, gaada salahnya keluarin uang sedikit buat ngerasain minuman ini.
Di perjalanan menuju Curug Omas dari Goa Belanda, banyak tempat-tempat yang bisa kita datengin dulu kaya Curug Lalay, Batu Batik, Pengangkaran rusa dan lain-lain. Buat ke batu batik ataupun curug lalay sendiri kita bener-bener butuh perjuangan yang lebih. Kenapa? akses jalan buat kesana jelek dan kalau ga hati-hati kita bisa kepeleset. Buat ke penangkaran rusa sendiri kita belum sempet ngeliat, mungkin lain kali kita bakal coba dateng kesana. Untuk yang ga kuat jalan jauh bisa juga naik ojeg buat ke curug omas. Uang yang perlu dikeluarin untuk naik ojek ke sana berkisar Rp.15,000 sampai Rp.40,000 tergantung negosiasi.
Sesampainya di Curug Omas kita disambut sama air terjun dan jembatan yang ngelintasinnya. Objek ini bener-bener keren buat difoto, kebukti kemaren aja beberapa dari kita banyak ngabisin waktu disana buat foto. Tapi satu hal yang bener-bener disayangin, yaitu ada banyak sampah yang ikut kebawa aliran air ataupun yang nyangkut di bebatuan di sungai. Dibutuhin kesadaran lebih dari masyarakat ataupun wisatawan buat ga buang sampah di aliran sungai sana. Di sana juga kita harus lebi hati-hati kalo gamau barang bawaan kita ilang, soalnya banyak monyet liar yang hidup di pohon-pohon sekitar. Dari sana juga kita bisa ngeliat tebing keraton dari bawahnya dan untuk ke sana kita ga perlu bayar tiket lagi. Kita bisa gunain tiket masuk ke Tahura ini untuk kesana, tapi jarak dari sana lumayan jauh kalo kita jalan kaki.
  • Tiket Masuk : Rp. 11.000
  • Lahang : Rp. 3.000
  • Makan dan minum : Rp. 10.000
  • Angkot pulang (sampai stasion) : Rp. 1.500
Total pengeluaran pribadi per-orang Rp. 25.500, sebenernya pengeluaran tersebut bisa dibikin lebih murah kalau kita bawa makanan dan minuman sendiri.
Secara keseluruhan Taman Hutan Raya Ir. H. Djuanda merupakan destinasi wisata yang menawarkan keindahan alam dan beberapa bangunan bersejarah. Dengan tiket masuk yang murah, kita bisa dapet banyak pengalaman dan hal menarik lainnya saat Menjelajahi Taman Hutan Raya Ir. H. Djuanda (termasuk foto bagus buat di upload di instagram haha). Jangan lupa follow Flickr ( dan Instagram kita di @nyikreuh untuk ngeliat foto lainnya dari Tahura.


Friday, January 25, 2013

Kamera Profesional bagi Para Kaum ABG

Pada tahun 2013 ini, bisa diperkirakan keberadaan kamera sudah menjadi seperti ponsel. Mengapa demikian? Bukan karena kamera memiliki berbagai fungsi seperti ponsel, tetapi karena kamera sudah banyak dimiliki oleh orang-orang. Banyak sekali jenis-jenis kamera yang dimiliki oleh banyak orang seperti kamera pcoket, prosumer, lomo, polaroid, SLR atau bahkan DSLR. Harga Kamera sendiri semakin lama semakin murah jika dibandingkan dengan beberapa tahun ke belakang. Teknologi juga semakin meningkat dari tahun ke tahun sehingga banyak sekali kamera baru yang dirilis setiap tahunnya. 

Jika beberapa tahun ke belakang kamera SLR ataupun DSLR hanya dimiliki oleh orang-orang yang mempunyai pekerjaan di bidang fotografi, namun sekarang kamera SLR atau DSLR sudah dimiliki oleh banyak orang. Sekarang ini banyak orang yang rela mengeluarkan banyak uang agar dapat mengabadikan momen yang menurutnya penting. Bahkan sebagian orang juga rela mengeluarkan banyak uang untuk bepergian ke suatu tempat demi mendapatkan objek untuk difoto.

Contohnya kaum remaja jaman sekarang, tidak sedikit dari mereka yang telah memiliki kamera professional tersebut. Sebenarnya bukan hanya fungsinya yang mereka butuhkan, tetapi gengsi menjadi nomor satu. Bagi mereka, memiliki kamera SLR/DSLR sangatlah meningkatkan pamor mereka di mata teman-temannya. Tetapi tidak semua remaja yang memiliki kamera professional tersebut memiliki sifat seperti demikian, karena semua hal didasari oleh sifat perorangan.

Meningkatnya penjualan kamera SLR/DSLR pada kaum pelajar juga karena Harga Kamera Digital tersebut semakin lama semakin menjadi murah. Maka dari itu, banyak orang yang tidak merasa keberatan mengeluarkan uang untuk membeli kamera professional tersebut. Untungnya berkaitan dengan hal tersebut, semakin banyak juga lembaga yang menggelar lomba fotografi bagi kaum remaja khususnya bagi Pelajar SMA dan juga Mahasiswa.


Saturday, July 3, 2010



From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

AdSense is an ad serving application run by Google Inc. Website owners can enroll in this program to enable text, image, and video advertisements on their websites. These advertisements are administered by Google and generate revenue on either a per-click or per-impression basis. Google beta tested a cost-per-action service, but discontinued it in October 2008 in favor of a DoubleClick offering (also owned by Google). In Q1 2010, Google earned US$2.04 billion ($8.16 billion annualized), or 30% of total revenue, through AdSense.

Google Adsense logo.png
Developer(s) Google Inc.
Initial release June 18, 2003 (2003-06-18)
Operating system Cross-platform (web-based application)
Type Online advertising


Google uses its Internet search technology to serve advertisements based on website content, the user's geographical location, and other factors. Those wanting to advertise with Google's targeted advertisement system may enroll through AdWords. AdSense has become a popular method of placing advertising on a website because the advertisements are less intrusive than most banners, and the content of the advertisements is often relevant to the website.

The use of proxy is allowed but if you use a proxy to enter your adsense account your account will be disabled. It has been seen lately that you can use proxies for logins, but sign up must be from a real computer. Proxies like hidemyass, armyproxy, schoolproxy, etc., can be used after signup.

Many websites use AdSense to monetize their content. AdSense has been particularly important for delivering advertising revenue to small websites that do not have the resources for developing advertising sales programs and sales people. To fill a website with advertisements that are relevant to the topics discussed, webmasters implement a brief script on the websites' pages. Websites that are content-rich have been very successful with this advertising program, as noted in a number of publisher case studies on the AdSense website.

Some webmasters invest significant effort into maximizing their own AdSense income. They do this in three ways:

1. They use a wide range of traffic-generating techniques, including but not limited to online advertising.
2. They build valuable content on their websites that attracts AdSense advertisements, which pay out the most when they are clicked.
3. They use text content on their websites that encourages visitors to click on advertisements. Note that Google prohibits webmasters from using phrases like "Click on my AdSense ads" to increase click rates. The phrases accepted are "Sponsored Links" and "Advertisements".

The source of all AdSense income is the AdWords program, which in turn has a complex pricing model based on a Vickrey second price auction. AdSense commands an advertiser to submit a sealed bid (i.e., a bid not observable by competitors). Additionally, for any given click received, advertisers only pay one bid increment above the second-highest bid.


Oingo, Inc., a privately held company located in Los Angeles, was started in 1998 by Gilad Elbaz and Adam Weissman. Oingo developed a proprietary search algorithm that was based on word meanings and built upon an underlying lexicon called WordNet, which was developed over the previous 15 years by researchers at Princeton University, led by George Miller.

Oingo changed its name to Applied Semantics (company) in 2001, which was later acquired by Google in April 2003 for US$102 million.

In 2009, Google AdSense announced that it would now be offering new features, including the ability to "enable multiple networks to display ads".


AdSense for Feeds

In May 2005, Google announced a limited-participation beta version of AdSense for Feeds, a version of AdSense that runs on RSS and Atom feeds that have more than 100 active subscribers. According to the Official Google Blog, "advertisers have their ads placed in the most appropriate feed articles; publishers are paid for their original content; readers see relevant advertising—and in the long run, more quality feeds to choose from."

AdSense for Feeds works by inserting images into a feed. When the image is displayed by a RSS reader or Web browser, Google writes the advertising content into the image that it returns. The advertisement content is chosen based on the content of the feed surrounding the image. When the user clicks the image, he or she is redirected to the advertiser's website in the same way as regular AdSense advertisements.

AdSense for Feeds remained in its beta state until August 15, 2008, when it became available to all AdSense users.

AdSense for search

A companion to the regular AdSense program, AdSense for search, allows website owners to place Google search boxes on their websites. When a user searches the Internet or the website with the search box, Google shares any advertising revenue it makes from those searches with the website owner. However the publisher is paid only if the advertisements on the page are clicked: AdSense does not pay publishers for mere searches.

AdSense for mobile content

AdSense for mobile content allows publishers to generate earnings from their mobile websites using targeted Google advertisements. Just like AdSense for content, Google matches advertisements to the content of a website — in this case, a mobile website.

AdSense for domains

Adsense for domains allows advertisements to be placed on domain names that have not been developed. This offers domain name owners a way to monetize domain names that are otherwise dormant. Adsense for domains is currently being offered to some users, with plans to make it available to all in stages.

On December 12, 2008, TechCrunch reported that AdSense for Domains is available for all US publishers.

AdSense for video

AdSense for video allows publishers with video content to generate revenue using ad placements from Google's extensive Advertising network including popular Youtube videos.

XHTML compatibility

As of September 2007, the HTML code for the AdSense search box does not validate as XHTML, and does not follow modern principles of website design because of its use of

* non-standard end tags, such as and ,
* the attribute checked rather than checked="checked",
* presentational attributes other than id, class, or style — for example, bgcolor and align,
* a table structure for purely presentational (i.e., non-tabular) purposes,1 and
* the font tag.2

1: using a table structure for unintended purposes is strongly discouraged by the W3C, but nevertheless does not cause a document to fail validation — there is currently no algorithmic method of determining whether a table is used "correctly" (for displaying tabular data or for displaying elements, that get proportionally wider or narrower when browser window resizes in width without active client side scripting).
2: the font tag is deprecated but does not fail validation in any XHTML standard.

Additionally, the AdSense advertisement units use the JavaScript method document.write(), which does not work correctly when rendered with the application/xhtml+xml MIME type. The units also use the iframe HTML tag, which is not validated correctly with the XHTML 1.0 Strict or XHTML 1.0 Transitional DOCTYPEs.

The terms of the AdSense program forbid its affiliates from modifying the code, thus preventing these participants from having valid XHTML websites.

However, a workaround has been found by creating a separate HTML webpage containing only the AdSense advertisement units, and then importing this page into an XHTML webpage with an object tag. This workaround appears to be accepted by Google.

How AdSense works

* The webmaster inserts the AdSense JavaScript code into a webpage.
* Each time this page is visited, the JavaScript code uses inlined JSON to display content fetched from Google's servers.
* For contextual advertisements, Google's servers use a cache of the page to determine a set of high-value keywords. If keywords have been cached already, advertisements are served for those keywords based on the AdWords bidding system. (More details are described in the AdSense patent.)
* For site-targeted advertisements, the advertiser chooses the page(s) on which to display advertisements, and pays based on cost per mille (CPM), or the price advertisers choose to pay for every thousand advertisements displayed.
* For referrals, Google adds money to the advertiser's account when visitors either download the referred software or subscribe to the referred service. The referral program was retired in August 2008.
* Search advertisements are added to the list of results after the visitor performs a search.
* Because the JavaScript is sent to the Web browser when the page is requested, it is possible for other website owners to copy the JavaScript code into their own webpages. To protect against this type of fraud, AdSense customers can specify the pages on which advertisements should be shown. AdSense then ignores clicks from pages other than those specified.


Some webmasters create websites tailored to lure searchers from Google and other engines onto their AdSense website to make money from clicks. These "zombie" websites often contain nothing but a large amount of interconnected, automated content (e.g., a directory with content from the Open Directory Project, or scraper websites relying on RSS feeds for content). Possibly the most popular form of such "AdSense farms" are splogs (spam blogs), which are centered around known high-paying keywords. Many of these websites use content from other websites, such as Wikipedia, to attract visitors. These and related approaches are considered to be search engine spam and can be reported to Google.

A Made for AdSense (MFA) website or webpage has little or no content, but is filled with advertisements so that users have no choice but to click on advertisements. Such pages were tolerated in the past, but due to complaints, Google now disables such accounts.

There have also been reports of Trojan horses engineered to produce counterfeit Google advertisements that are formatted looking like legitimate ones. The Trojan uploads itself onto an unsuspecting user's computer through a webpage and then replaces the original advertisements with its own set of malicious advertisements.


Due to alleged concerns about click fraud, Google AdSense has been criticized by some search engine optimization firms as a large source of what Google calls "invalid clicks", in which one company clicks on a rival's search engine advertisements to drive up the other company's costs.

To help prevent click fraud, AdSense publishers can choose from a number of click-tracking programs. These programs display detailed information about the visitors who click on the AdSense advertisements. Publishers can use this to determine whether or not they have been a victim of click fraud. There are a number of commercial tracking scripts available for purchase.

The payment terms for webmasters have also been justly criticized. Google withholds payment until an account reaches US$100, but many micro content providers require a long time—years in some cases—to build up this much AdSense revenue. However, Google will pay all earned revenue greater than US$10 when an AdSense account is closed.

Many website owners complain that their AdSense accounts have been disabled just before they were supposed to receive their first paycheck from Google. Google claims accounts have been disabled due to click fraud or forbidden content, but have offered no proof of this. Attempts to appeal against Google decisions are directed to non-monitored mailboxes and do not receive replies.

Google came under fire when the official Google AdSense Blog showcased the French video website This website violated Google's AdSense Program Policies by displaying AdSense alongside sexually explicit material. Typically, websites displaying AdSense have been banned from showing such content. Some sites have been banned for distributing copyrighted material even when they hold the copyright themselves or are authorized by the copyright holder to distribute the material.

It has been reported that using both AdSense and AdWords may cause a website to pay Google a commission when the website advertises itself.

In some cases, AdSense displays inappropriate or offensive ads. For example, in a news story about a terrorist attack in India, an advert was generated for a (presumably non-existent) educational qualification in terrorism.

Toy Story 3 (2010)

Toy Story 3
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Toy Story 3 is a 2010 American 3D computer-animated film. It is the third installment in the Toy Story series. The film was produced by Pixar Animation Studios and released by Walt Disney Pictures. Lee Unkrich, who edited the previous films, and co-directed the second, takes over as director. In his place, Ken Schretzmann is the editor.

Tom Hanks, Tim Allen, Joan Cusack, Don Rickles, Estelle Harris, John Ratzenberger, Wallace Shawn, Jeff Pidgeon, Jodi Benson, R. Lee Ermey, John Morris, and Laurie Metcalf all reprised their voice-over roles from the previous films. Jim Varney, who played Slinky Dog in the first two movies, and Joe Ranft, who played Lenny and Wheezy, have both died since the second film was released. The role of Slinky was taken over by Blake Clark, while Ranft's characters and various others were written out of the story.

Toy Story 3 was released in theaters on June 17, 2010 in Singapore; June 18, 2010 in the United States and Canada and June 24, 2010 in Australia. It will be released on July 19, 2010 in the United Kingdom and Ireland. Originally the UK release was set as July 23 but has since been pushed forward due to its anticipated high demand in the country. Toy Story 3 broke the record of Shrek the Third as the biggest single day gross for an animated film, but it was unable to top Shrek the Third's opening weekend and, with a $110,307,189 gross, it received the second highest opening weekend for an animated movie.It is also the highest grossing opening weekend for a Pixar film, as well as the highest grossing opening weekend for a film to have opened in the month of June.

Toy Story 3

Official movie poster
Directed by Lee Unkrich
Produced by Darla K. Anderson
John Lasseter (Executive)
Nicole Paradis Grindl (Associate)
Written by Michael Arndt
  • Tom Hanks
  • Tim Allen
  • Joan Cusack
  • Ned Beatty
  • Don Rickles
  • Michael Keaton
  • Wallace Shawn
  • John Ratzenberger
  • Estelle Harris
  • John Morris
  • Jodi Benson
  • Emily Hahn
  • Laurie Metcalf
  • Blake Clark
Music by Randy Newman
Editing by Ken Schretzmann
Studio Pixar Animation Studios
Distributed by Walt Disney Pictures
Release date(s) June 18, 2010 (2010-06-18)
Running time 103 minutes
Country United States
Language English
Budget $200 million
Gross revenue $373,039,169
Preceded by Toy Story 2


The film opens with a Western-style action sequence, featuring Woody, Jessie and Buzz battling Hamm, Mr. and Mrs. Potato Head and the aliens. At the climax, the sequence is revealed to be a visualization of one of Andy's many imagined adventures while he played with the toys as a child. Now seventeen, Andy has long outgrown the toys and is preparing to move out of the house to attend college. He decides to bring Woody with him, and packs the other toys in a trash bag to be stored in the attic (a move the toys have long prepared for). However, his mother mistakes the bag for garbage and leaves it on the curb. After the toys barely manage to escape the garbage truck, they refuse to believe Woody (who saw what happened) when he says that Andy didn't intend to throw them away, and Woody and the rest of the toys end up sneaking into a box of donations to a local daycare, Sunnyside.

Upon their arrival at Sunnyside, the toys receive a warm welcome led by Lots-O'-Huggin' Bear (a.k.a. Lotso). Other Sunnyside residents include Ken and a baby doll named Big Baby. Lotso shows them to their new home, the Caterpillar room, before returning to the Butterfly room, where Lotso, Ken (now joined by Andy's sister's Barbie) and Big Baby live. While Sunnyside's children are still outside, Woody attempts again to persuade the other toys to return to Andy's house, but Lotso has convinced them that they will be happier at Sunnyside; Woody sets off alone. After he leaves, the remaining toys soon discover that the Caterpillar room is designated for toddlers, whose rambunctious nature is upsetting to the toys.

After escaping the building, Woody is found by a girl named Bonnie, who brings him home to play with her own well-loved array of toys. Woody learns from one of them, Chuckles the Clown, that Sunnyside is a virtual prison for toys, run with an iron fist by Lotso. Chuckles, Lotso and Big Baby were formerly owned by a girl named Daisy, who loved them dearly, with Lotso being the "special one", who she always kept close to her. However, Daisy accidently lost them while away from home, when they stopped at the roadside to play. When the trio finally made their way back to Daisy's home, Lotso found that he had been replaced, causing him to snap and become bitter and controlling.

Meanwhile, the toys at Sunnyside discover Lotso's true personality for themselves: when Buzz goes to ask Lotso to transfer them to the Butterfly room, he is captured by Ken, Big Baby and Lotso's other minions. Under Lotso's direction, they use Buzz's instruction book to reset his memory to its originally-packaged state, causing him to forget his friendships with Andy's other toys and become an officer under Lotso's control. With Buzz's help, Lotso has all of Andy's toys imprisoned on the shelves of the Caterpillar room.

Woody returns to Sunnyside to help his friends escape. After arriving, he meets Chatter Telephone, the oldest toy at Sunnyside, who informs him about Lotso's extensive security measures, including an cymbal-wielding monkey, who alerts Lotso to any attempted escape. The toys manage to carry out a plan to escape the Sunnyside via the garbage chute (although their efforts to restore Buzz's former self lead to him temporarily adopting his Spanish-language mode, which makes him more concerned with wooing Jessie through seductive salsa dance). As they narrowly avoid falling into the dumpster, Lotso and his henchmen surprise them. Woody tells the other toys about Lotso's past, convincing them of Lotso's deception and leading Big Baby to throw Lotso himself into the dumpster. However, Lotso manages to pull Woody in with him just before a garbage truck arrives, forcing the others to jump in as well in order to rescue Woody.

In the dumpster, Buzz is struck by a falling TV, which causes him to regain his memory and ability to speak English. The truck takes the toys to a landfill, where they are, through a series of events, forced onto a conveyor belt. They manage to pass over a shredder before realizing an incinerator looms ahead. Buzz and Woody help Lotso climb a ladder where he can push a button to stop the conveyor belt, but Lotso runs away once he is safe. As they realize they cannot escape the incinerator, the toys hold hands, ready to face their impending doom. They are rescued at the last moment by a giant claw crane being operated by the aliens. As the other toys are saved, Lotso is found by a garbage man who ties the bear to the front of his garbage truck.

The toys make their way back to Andy's room, where Woody goes back into the "College" box and the other toys enter a box designated for the attic. Unseen by the others, Woody writes a message on a Post-It and sticks it to the top of the "Attic" box. When Andy reads the note and discovers his assumed-lost toys, he decides to give the toys away instead of storing them. He brings the box over to Bonnie's house and asks if she will take care of them, explaining to her each toy's history and personality. At the bottom of the box, Bonnie recognizes Woody, and Andy reluctantly decides to give Woody to her as well. Andy and Bonnie play together with the toys, Andy's toys finally enjoying the final playtime with him that they've been longing for. Before Andy drives to college he thanks the toys for all the time they spent together. After the credits Sunnyside is shown under the leadership of Ken and Barbie, who have turned the daycare into a toy paradise. They keep in touch with Andy's toys by slipping notes into Bonnie's backpack.

Voice cast
  • Tom Hanks as Woody
  • Tim Allen as Buzz Lightyear
  • Joan Cusack as Jessie
  • Ned Beatty as Lots-O'-Huggin' Bear
  • Don Rickles as Mr. Potato Head
  • Wallace Shawn as Rex
  • John Ratzenberger as Hamm
  • Blake Clark as Slinky Dog
  • Michael Keaton as Ken
  • Estelle Harris as Mrs. Potato Head
  • John Morris as Andy
  • Jodi Benson as Barbie
  • Emily Hahn as Bonnie
  • Laurie Metcalf as Mrs. Davis
  • Teddy Newton as Chatter Telephone
  • Bud Luckey as Chuckles the Clown
  • Timothy Dalton as Mr. Pricklepants
  • Kristen Schaal as Trixie
  • Jeff Garlin as Buttercup
  • Bonnie Hunt as Dolly
  • Beatrice Miller as Molly
  • John Cygan as Twitch
  • Jeff Pidgeon as Squeeze Toy Aliens
  • Whoopi Goldberg as Stretch
  • Jack Angel as Chunk
  • R. Lee Ermey as Sarge
  • Lori Alan as Bonnie's Mom
  • Jan Rabson as Sparks
  • Richard Kind as Bookworm
  • Charlie Bright as Peaty/Young Andy
  • Amber Kroner as Peatrice
  • Brianna Maiwand as Peanelope
  • Erik von Detten as Sid
  • Jack Willis as Frog

Non-speaking characters include Bullseye, Big Baby, Totoro, and the Monkey.

Several other characters were written out of the story by being either sold or thrown away after Toy Story 2 (they appear in this film only via archive footage).

The character of Slinky Dog also was limbo after the death of Slinky Dog's voice, actor Jim Varney, from lung cancer in 2000, shortly after Toy Story 2 came out. Veteran actor Blake Clark was chosen for the part. After Clark was cast to play Slinky Dog, the producers later discovered by accident that Clark and Varney had been close friends, making the transition a lot easier.


According to the terms of Pixar's revised deal with Disney, all characters created by Pixar for their films were owned by Disney. Furthermore, Disney retains the rights to make sequels to any Pixar film, though Pixar retained the right of first refusal to work on these sequels. But in 2004, when the contentious negotiations between the two companies made a split appear likely, Disney Chairman at the time Michael Eisner put in motion plans to produce Toy Story 3 at a new Disney studio, Circle 7 Animation. Tim Allen, the voice of Buzz Lightyear, indicated a willingness to return even if Pixar was not on board.

Promotional art for Circle 7's Toy Story 3, displaying the storyline of the Buzz Lightyears being recalled; this story was later shelved.

Jim Herzfeld wrote a script for Circle 7's version of the film. It focused on the other toys shipping a malfunctioning Buzz to Taiwan, where he was built, believing that he will be fixed there. While searching on the Internet, they find out that many more Buzz Lightyear toys are malfunctioning around the world and the company has issued a massive recall. Fearing Buzz's destruction, a group of Andy's toys (Woody, Rex, Slinky, Mr. Potato Head, Hamm, Jessie, and Bullseye) venture to rescue Buzz. At the same time Buzz meets other toys from around the world that were once loved but have now been recalled.

In January 2006, Disney bought Pixar in a deal that put Pixar chiefs Edwin Catmull and John Lasseter in charge of all Disney Animation. Shortly thereafter, Circle 7 Animation was shut down and its version of Toy Story 3 was shelved. The following month, Disney CEO Robert Iger confirmed that Disney was in the process of transferring the production to Pixar. John Lasseter, Andrew Stanton, Pete Docter, and Lee Unkrich visited the house where they first pitched Toy Story and came up with the story for the film over a weekend. Stanton then wrote a treatment. On February 8, 2007, Catmull announced Toy Story 2's co-director, Lee Unkrich, as the sole director of the film instead of John Lasseter, and Michael Arndt as Screenwriter. The release date was moved to 2010.

When the people behind the movie sat down to look at their work from the original Toy Story during the early development stages, they found they could open the old files, but they could not edit the 3D models and had to recreate everything from scratch.

Instead of sending Tom Hanks, Tim Allen, and John Ratzenberger scripts for their consideration in reprising their roles, a complete story reel of the film was shown to the actors in a theater. The reel was made up of moving storyboards with pre-recorded voices, sound effects, and music. At the conclusion of the preview, the actors signed on to the film.

Dolby Laboratories announced that Toy Story 3 will be the first movie that will feature their theatrical 7.1 surround audio format.


The film's first teaser trailer was released with the Disney Digital 3-D version of the film Up on May 29, 2009. On October 2, 2009 Toy Story and Toy Story 2 were re-released as a double feature in Disney Digital 3-D. The first full-length trailer was attached as an exclusive sneak peek and a first footage to the Toy Story double feature, on October 12, 2009. A second teaser was released on February 10, 2010, followed by a second full-length trailer on February 11 and appeared in 3D showings of Alice in Wonderland. On March 23, 2010, Toy Story was released on Blu-ray/DVD combo pack which included a small feature of "The Story of Toy Story 3". Also, Toy Story 2 was released on that day in the same format which had a small feature on the "Characters of Toy Story 3". On May 11, 2010, both films had a DVD-only re-release which contained the features.

Mattel Thinkway Toys and Lego are among those who will make toys to promote the film. Disney Interactive Studios has also produced a video game based on the film which was released on June 15, 2010.

Toy Story 3 was featured in Apple's iPhone OS 4 Event on April 8, 2010, with Steve Jobs demonstrating a Toy Story 3 themed iAd written in HTML5.

Pixar designed a commercial for a toy, Lots-o'-Huggin' Bear, and formatted it to look like it came from an old VCR recording. The recording was altered with distorted sound, noise along the bottom of the screen, and flickering video, all designed to make it look like a converted recording from around 1983. A Japanese version of the commercial was also released online..

On Dancing with the Stars' May 11, 2010 episode, the Gipsy Kings performed a Spanish-language version of the song "You've Got a Friend in Me". It also featured a paso doble dance which was choreographed by Cheryl Burke and Tony Dovolani. Both the song and dance are featured in the film.

Sneak peeks of the film are shown on Disney Channel. One sneak peek was shown on Cartoon Network in the United States on June 10, 2010.


The film has received universal acclaim. Review aggregator Rotten Tomatoes reports that 99% of critics have given the film a positive review based on 206 reviews, with an average score of 8.8/10. The critical consensus is, "Deftly blending comedy, adventure, and honest emotion, Toy Story 3 is a rare second sequel that really works." Among Rotten Tomatoes' Cream of the Crop, which consists of popular and notable critics from the top newspapers, websites, television, and radio programs, the film holds an overall approval rating of 100% based on 33 reviews.Another review aggregator, Metacritic, which assigns a normalized rating out of 100 top reviews from mainstream critics, calculated a score of 91 based on 38 reviews.

A. O. Scott from The New York Times states: "This film -- this whole three-part, 15-year epic -- about the adventures of a bunch of silly plastic junk turns out also to be a long, melancholy meditation on loss, impermanence and that noble, stubborn, foolish thing called love. "Owen Gleiberman from Entertainment Weekly gave the film an A, saying: "Even with the bar raised high, Toy Story 3 enchanted and moved me so deeply I was flabbergasted that a digitally animated comedy about plastic playthings could have this effect." Gleiberman also wrote in the next issue that he, along with many other grown men, cried at the end of the movie. Michael Rechtshaffen from The Hollywood Reporter also gave the film a positive review, saying: "Woody, Buzz and playmates make a thoroughly engaging, emotionally satisfying return."Chicago Sun-Times film critic Roger Ebert, while praising the film with 3 out of 4 stars, wrote that it is "a jolly, slapstick comedy, lacking the almost eerie humanity that infused the earlier Toy Story sagas, and happier with action and jokes than with characters and emotions". Writing her review for USA Today, Claudia Puig gave the film a complete 4 star rating writing "This installment, the best of the three, is everything a movie should be: hilarious, touching, exciting and clever. "Lou Lumenick, film critic of The New York Post, wrote "Toy Story 3 (which is pointlessly being shown in 3-D at most locations) may not be a masterpiece, but it still had me in tears at the end. "Michael Phillips gave the film 3/4 stars writing that "Compared with the riches of all kinds in recent Pixar masterworks such as Ratatouille, WALL-E and Up, Toy Story 3 looks and plays like an exceptionally slick and confident product, as opposed to a magical blend of commerce and popular art. "Orlando Sentinel film critic Roger Moore who gave the film 3 1/2 out of 4 stars wrote "Dazzling, scary and sentimental, Toy Story 3 is a dark and emotional conclusion to the film series that made Pixar famous. "Box office

Toy Story 3 made a strong debut, grossing $41,148,961 on its opening day at the box office from 4,028 theaters and was set to be the biggest opening for a Pixar film, surpassing The Incredibles's $70,467,623. In addition, Toy Story 3 had the single-highest opening day gross for an animated film on record, beating Shrek the Third's $38 million. During its opening weekend, the film grossed $110,307,189, ranking it #1 for the weekend. The film had the second highest opening for an animated movie behind Shrek the Third's $121,629,270 and also had the third best opening for a movie in 2010 behind Iron Man 2 and Alice in Wonderland, which grossed $128,122,480 and $116,101,023 respectively. With this, Toy Story 3 also became the highest opening weekend film in June at the box office, beating Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen. Toy Story 3 also became the biggest opening G-rated film, the tenth biggest opening weekend of all-time, and the eighth top summer opening weekend of all-time. On its second weekend, Toy Story 3 lost 46.2% grossing $59,337,669, and remaining the #1 spot for two weeks defeating the new releases Grown Ups and Knight and Day. As of June 30, 2010, Toy Story 3 grossed $258,826,169 domestically and $114,213,000 in foreign countries which totals up to $373,039,169 worldwide.


Toy Story 3
Soundtrack by Randy Newman
Released June 15, 2010
Genre Film score
Length 56:00
Label Walt Disney Records
No. Title Artist Length
1. "We Belong Together" Randy Newman 4:03
2. "You've Got a Friend in Me (para Buzz EspaƱol)" The Gipsy Kings 2:15
3. "Cowboy!" Randy Newman 4:11
4. "Garbage?" Randy Newman 2:41
5. "Sunnyside" Randy Newman 2:20
6. "Woody Bails" Randy Newman 4:40
7. "Come to Papa" Randy Newman 2:06
8. "Go See Lotso" Randy Newman 3:37
9. "Bad Buzz" Randy Newman 2:22
10. "You Got Lucky" Randy Newman 5:59
11. "Spanish Buzz" Randy Newman 3:31
12. "What About Daisy?" Randy Newman 2:07
13. "To The Dump" Randy Newman 3:51
14. "The Claw" Randy Newman 3:57
15. "Going Home" Randy Newman 3:22
16. "So Long" Randy Newman 4:55
17. "Zu-Zu (Ken's Theme)" Randy Newman 0:35

In addition to the tracks included in the soundtrack album, the film also uses "Dream Weaver" by Gary Wright, "Le Freak" by Chic, and Randy Newman's original version of "You've Got A Friend In Me".

Also, tracks "Cowboy!" and "Come to Papa" included material from Newman's rejected score to Air Force One.

Source : Wikipedia

Trailer :

Movie Download Link :
Subtitle Download Link :


Sunday, April 18, 2010

Cara Mengklik Iklan Di Website PTC Gagabux

Sebelum saya ngebahas tentang Cara Mengklik Iklan Di Gagabux, saya udah pernah share hasil payout dari PTC yang bernama "Gagabux" Dan Juga Bagaimana Cara Mendaftar Di Website PTC Gagabux . Nah kali ini saya mau memposting gimana cara klik iklan di gagabux. langsung aja ya saya kasih tutorial beserta pic hasil screenshoot saya sendiri.

Pertama-tama Login terlebih dahulu ke website gagabux, setelah itu klik menu "Surf Ads". nah setelah itu akan terlihat halaman surf ads tersebut seperti pic berikut.

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Setelah Tombol merah tersebut di klik, browser otomatis akan membuat tab baru yang berisi website dari iklan "The ShoeMoney System Is Live" tersebut seperti pada pic di bawah ini.

Dari picture di atas kita bisa ngeliat isi dari website tersebut, dan di atas website tersebut terdapat banner gagabux dan tulisan 57%. kita tinggal menunggu beberapa detik lagi untuk bikin 57% naik-naik terus sampai ke 100% dan kita mendapatkan $0.01 dari hasil klik iklan tersebut. Jika sudah mencapai 100% akan terlihat seperti pic di bawah ini.

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Sekian post dari saya tentang "Cara Mengklik Iklan Di Gagabux".
Thanks, Kidsshadow.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Payout Pertama Dari GagaBux / First Payout From Gagabux

Halo, ketemu lagi sama saya. Udah lama nih gak ngeblog, kali ini saya mau ngepost tentang pengalaman saya dapet Payout dari GagaBux atau bahasa inggrisnya mah "First Payout From Gagabux" hehehe (sok inggris mode on) . Gagabux itu Website PTC, jadi kita dapet $ hanya untuk ngeklik-klik aja link yang di kasih sama mereka, terus kalau udah kekumpul banyak kita bisa request payout (minta gaji lah istilah lainnya).

Langsung aja nih Bukti-bukti pembayaran dari Gagabux.

jadi ingin gak dapet uang dari gagabux ?? caranya juga gampang kok, kita tinggal log-in di website mereka, terus kita klik-klik link yang di kasih sama mereka. setiap klik kita di kasih $0.01 terus kita bisa nge klik banyak iklan sehari, kalau saya biasa dapet 17 iklan sehari. jadinya sehari saya bisa dapet $0.17 . nah kalau kita mau payout yang pertama kita harus ngumpulin dulu sampai $2 . kira-kira 12 hari ngeklik udah bisa request payout.. nah kalau kita mau di hargain lebih mahal kliknya yaitu $0.02 per klik, kita bisa upgrade keanggotaan jadi silver, harganya $9 (kalau gak salah), dan kita bisa dapet lebih banyak klik dalam perharinya.

Sekian dulu deh pengalaman payout pertama saya dari gagabux. jadi yang mau daftar ke gagabux klik aja gambar di bawah ini, atau klik linknya DISINI.

Thanks ^^